NMNH: 1. "Bonzyme" Kaedah keseluruhan enzimatik, mesra alam, tiada serbuk pembuatan sisa pelarut berbahaya. 2. Bontac adalah pengeluar pertama di dunia yang menghasilkan serbuk NMNH pada tahap ketulenan tinggi, kestabilan. 3. Teknologi penulenan tujuh langkah eksklusif "Bonpure", ketulenan tinggi (sehingga 99%) dan kestabilan pengeluaran serbuk NMNH 4. Kilang milik sendiri dan memperoleh beberapa pensijilan antarabangsa untuk memastikan bekalan produk serbuk NMNH yang berkualiti tinggi dan stabil 5. Menyediakan perkhidmatan penyesuaian penyelesaian produk sehenti
NADH: 1. Kaedah keseluruhan enzimatik Bonzyme, mesra alam, tiada sisa pelarut berbahaya 2. Teknologi penulenan tujuh langkah Bonpure eksklusif, ketulenan lebih tinggi daripada 98% 3. Bentuk kristal proses yang dipatenkan khas, kestabilan yang lebih tinggi 4. Memperoleh beberapa pensijilan antarabangsa untuk memastikan kualiti yang tinggi 5. 8 paten NADH domestik dan asing, menerajui industri 6. Menyediakan perkhidmatan penyesuaian penyelesaian produk sehenti
NAD: 1. Kaedah enzimatik keseluruhan "Bonzyme", mesra alam, tiada sisa pelarut berbahaya 2. Pembekal stabil 1000+ perusahaan di seluruh dunia 3. Teknologi penulenan tujuh langkah "Bonpure" yang unik, kandungan produk yang lebih tinggi dan kadar penukaran yang lebih tinggi 4. Teknologi pengeringan beku untuk memastikan kualiti produk yang stabil 5. Teknologi kristal yang unik, keterlarutan produk yang lebih tinggi 6. Kilang milik sendiri dan memperoleh beberapa pensijilan antarabangsa untuk memastikan bekalan produk yang berkualiti tinggi dan stabil
NMN: 1. "Bonzyme" Kaedah keseluruhan enzimatik, mesra alam, tiada sisa pelarut berbahaya 2. Teknologi penulenan tujuh langkah eksklusif "Bonpure", ketulenan tinggi (sehingga 99.9%) dan kestabilan 3. Teknologi terkemuka industri: 15 paten NMN domestik dan antarabangsa 4. Kilang milik sendiri dan memperoleh beberapa pensijilan antarabangsa untuk memastikan bekalan produk yang berkualiti tinggi dan stabil 5. Pelbagai kajian in vivo menunjukkan bahawa Bontac NMN selamat dan berkesan 6. Menyediakan perkhidmatan penyesuaian penyelesaian produk sehenti 7. Pembekal bahan mentah NMN pasukan David Sinclair yang terkenal dari Universiti Harvard
Bontac Bio-Engineering (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as BONTAC) is a high-tech enterprise established in July 2012. BONTAC integrates R&D, production and sales, with enzyme catalysis technology as the core and coenzyme and natural products as main products. There are six major series of products in BONTAC, involving coenzymes, natural products, sugar substitutes, cosmetics, dietary supplements and medical intermediates.
As the leader of the global NMN industry, BONTAC has the first whole-enzyme catalysis technology in China. Our coenzyme products are widely used in health industry, medical & beauty, green agriculture, biomedicine and other fields. BONTAC adheres to independent innovation, with more than 170 paten ciptaan. Different from the traditional chemical synthesis and fermentation industry, BONTAC has advantages of green low-carbon and high-value-added biosynthesis technology. What’s more, BONTAC has established the first coenzyme engineering technology research center at the provincial level in China which also is the sole in Guangdong Province.
In the future, BONTAC will focus on its advantages of green, low-carbon and high-value-added biosynthesis technology, and build ecological relationship with academia as well as upstream/downstream partners, continuously leading the synthetic biological industry and creating a better life for human beings.
1、“Bonzyme”Whole-enzymatic method, environmental-friendly, no harmful solvent residues manufacturing powder
2、Exclusive“Bonpure” seven-step purification technology, high purity(up to 99%) and stability of production of NADH powder
3、Kilang milik sendiri dan memperoleh beberapa pensijilan antarabangsa untuk memastikan bekalan produk serbuk NMN yang berkualiti tinggi dan stabil
4、Menyediakan perkhidmatan penyesuaian penyelesaian produk sehenti
Tahap tenaga yang lebih baik
NADH bukan sahaja bertindak sebagai koenzim penting dalam pernafasan aerobik, [H] NADH juga membawa sejumlah besar tenaga. Kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan ekstraselular NADH menggalakkan peningkatan tahap ATP intraselular, menunjukkan bahawa NADH menembusi membran sel dan meningkatkan tahap tenaga intrasel. Pada peringkat makro, suplemen eksogen NADH membantu memulihkan tenaga dan meningkatkan selera makan. Peningkatan tahap tenaga dalam otak juga membantu meningkatkan prestasi mental dan kualiti tidur. NADH telah digunakan di luar negara untuk memperbaiki sindrom keletihan kronik, meningkatkan daya tahan senaman, jet lag dan bidang lain.
Perlindungan selular
NADH ialah antioksidan kuat yang secara semula jadi berlaku dalam sel dan bertindak balas dengan radikal bebas untuk menghalang peroksidasi lipid, melindungi membran mitokondria dan fungsi mitokondria. Telah didapati bahawa NADH boleh mengurangkan tekanan oksidatif dalam sel yang disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor seperti radiasi, ubat-ubatan, bahan toksik, senaman berat dan iskemia, sekali gus melindungi sel endothelial vaskular, hepatosit, kardiomiosit, fibroblas dan neuron. Oleh itu, NADH suntikan atau oral digunakan secara klinikal untuk memperbaiki penyakit kardiovaskular dan serebrovaskular, dan sebagai tambahan kepada radioterapi kanser. NADH topikal telah terbukti berkesan dalam rawatan rosacea dan dermatitis kontak.
Promosi pengeluaran neurotransmitter
Kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa NADH dengan ketara menggalakkan pengeluaran dopamin neurotransmitter, isyarat kimia yang penting untuk ingatan jangka pendek, pergerakan sukarela, nada otot dan tindak balas fizikal spontan. Ia juga menjadi pengantara pembebasan hormon pertumbuhan dan menentukan pergerakan otot. Tanpa dopamin yang mencukupi, otot menjadi kaku. Penyakit Parkinson, sebagai contoh, sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh gangguan sintesis dopamin dalam sel otak. Data klinikal awal mencadangkan bahawa NADH boleh membantu memperbaiki gejala penyakit Parkinson [9]. NADH juga menggalakkan biosintesis norepinefrin dan serotonin, menunjukkan potensi yang baik untuk digunakan dalam melegakan kemurungan dan penyakit Alzheimer.
Kaedah utama penyediaan serbuk NADH termasuk pengekstrakan, penapaian, pengukuhan, biosintesis dan sintesis bahan organik. Berbanding dengan persediaan lain, keseluruhan enzim menjadi kaedah arus perdana kerana kelebihan bebas pencemaran, tahap ketulenan dan kestabilan yang tinggi.
NADH disintesis oleh badan dan oleh itu bukan nutrien penting. Ia memerlukan nutrien penting nikotinamida untuk sintesisnya, dan peranannya dalam pengeluaran tenaga sememangnya penting. Sebagai tambahan kepada peranannya dalam rantaian pengangkutan elektron mitokondria, NADH dihasilkan dalam sitosol. Membran mitokondria tidak telap kepada NADH, dan penghalang kebolehtelapan ini berkesan memisahkan sitoplasma daripada kolam NADH mitokondria. Walau bagaimanapun, NADH sitoplasma boleh digunakan untuk pengeluaran tenaga biologi. Ini berlaku apabila ulang-alik malat-aspartat memperkenalkan pengurangan setara daripada NADH dalam sitosol kepada rantaian pengangkutan elektron mitokondria. Ulang-alik ini terutamanya berlaku di hati dan jantung.
Tindakan NADH tambahan tidak jelas. Suplemen NADH oral telah digunakan untuk memerangi keletihan mudah serta gangguan misteri dan menguras tenaga seperti sindrom keletihan kronik dan fibromyalgia. Penyelidik juga sedang mengkaji nilai suplemen NADH untuk meningkatkan fungsi mental pada penghidap penyakit Alzheimer, dan meminimumkan kecacatan fizikal dan melegakan kemurungan pada penghidap penyakit Parkinson. Sesetengah individu yang sihat juga mengambil suplemen NADH secara lisan untuk meningkatkan kepekatan dan kapasiti ingatan, serta untuk meningkatkan daya tahan sukan. Walau bagaimanapun, sehingga kini tiada kajian yang diterbitkan untuk menunjukkan bahawa menggunakan NADH dalam apa jua cara berkesan atau selamat untuk tujuan ini
Pertama, periksa kilang. Selepas beberapa pemeriksaan, syarikat NADH yang berhadapan langsung dengan pengguna lebih memberi perhatian kepada pembinaan jenama. Oleh itu, untuk jenama yang baik, kualiti adalah perkara yang paling penting, dan perkara pertama untuk mengawal kualiti bahan mentah ialah memeriksa kilang. Syarikat Bontac sebenarnya mengeluarkan serbuk NADH berkualiti tinggi dengan caterias SGS. Kedua, ketulenan diuji. Ketulenan adalah salah satu parameter terpenting serbuk NMN. Jika NMN ketulenan tinggi tidak dapat dijamin, bahan selebihnya mungkin melebihi piawaian yang berkaitan. Seperti yang dilampirkan sijil yang dilampirkan menunjukkan bahawa serbuk NADH yang dihasilkan oleh Bontac mencapai ketulenan 99%. Akhir sekali, spektrum ujian profesional diperlukan untuk membuktikannya. Kaedah biasa untuk menentukan struktur sebatian organik termasuk Spektroskopi Resonans Magnetik Nuklear (NMR) dan spektrometri jisim resolusi tinggi (HRMS). Biasanya melalui analisis kedua-dua spektrum ini, struktur sebatian boleh ditentukan secara awal.
On October 17,2019-18, the 24th western American plant extracts, health and innovation raw materials exhibition (SupplySide West) in Las Vegas Mandela hotel convention and exhibition center, is hosted by the INFORMA, with plant extracts, functional food raw materials, pharmaceutical raw materials, beauty cosmetics and health products raw materials of the country's largest medicine and health products raw materials professional exhibition. The exhibition gathers well-known manufacturers from all over the world, gathering professional buyers from all over the world, attracting more than 12,000 people from 70 different countries, becoming the world's largest collection of raw material suppliers and product manufacturers.
Revolutionizing Biotechnical Research: BONTAC's Trailblazing Discoveries In the dynamic realm of biotechnical research, BONTAC stands at the forefront of innovation, dedicated to driving progress and breakthroughs in the field. Our commitment to excellence is demonstrated through our pioneering research initiatives, cutting-edge products, and unwavering focus on technical innovation. At BONTAC, we continuously strive to push the boundaries of biotechnical products to revolutionize industries and improve life. Advancing Biotechnical Research at BONTAC Within BONTAC's research laboratories, a culture of exploration and discovery fuels our quest for innovative solutions in biotechnical research. Our team of experts combines scientific expertise with creative insights to tackle complex challenges and uncover new opportunities. BONTAC's investment in state-of-the-art technology and research facilities underscores our dedication to advancing biotechnical research for the betterment of society. Impactful Applications of Biotechnical Research The fruits of BONTAC's biotechnical research are evident in our array of products that harness the power of scientific insights and technological advancements. These products are the result of meticulous research and development processes aimed at enhancing various sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability. From novel treatment options to sustainable agricultural solutions, BONTAC's biotechnical innovations are reshaping industries and driving positive change. Collaboration and Partnerships in Biotechnical Research Collaboration lies at the heart of BONTAC's approach to biotechnical research, as we recognize the value of partnering with industry leaders and experts to accelerate innovation. By fostering strategic alliances and engaging with key stakeholders, BONTAC creates a network of excellence that fosters collaboration, knowledge exchange, and collective progress in biotechnical research. Altogether, we aim to shape the future of biotechnical innovation and deliver impactful solutions to global challenges. Our commitment to advancing cellular rejuvenation extends beyond product development. We actively collaborate with leading researchers, medical professionals, and scientific institutions to stay at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field. By fostering partnerships and engaging in knowledge-sharing, we ensure that our customers benefit from the latest scientific advancements and breakthroughs in cellular rejuvenation. Conclusion In conclusion, BONTAC's dedication to pioneering discoveries in biotechnical research sets us apart as a leader in the field. Our focus on excellent products, robust technical support, and a commitment to technical innovation propels us toward groundbreaking advances that benefit society as a whole. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to explore new frontiers in biotechnical research, where innovation meets excellence. Choosing BONTAC means embracing a journey toward revitalized cellular health. Our dedication to understanding the intricacies of cellular rejuvenation, combined with our commitment to innovation and collaboration, allows us to offer transformative solutions that empower individuals to live their life to the fullest. Altogether, let us embark on this path of cellular rejuvenation, unlocking the potential for optimal health and well-being.
In today's health and anti-aging fields, NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) has attracted a lot of attention. As an important cellular coenzyme, NMN plays a key role in maintaining cell health and delaying the aging process. However, it is not easy to find a manufacturer that can provide high-quality NMN. Here, we will introduce BONTAC, a High Quality NMN Manufacturer Factory. BONTAC: Focus on the production of NMN BONTAC is a company specializing in the development and production of biochemical products, including NMN. They have advanced production equipment and technology, as well as a team of experienced scientists and engineers, dedicated to providing high-quality NMN. Their R&D team continues to explore and innovate to ensure that their NMN products are always at the forefront of the industry. High quality NMN BONTAC's NMN products are known for their high purity and stability. Their NMN is produced in a strictly controlled environment to ensure its quality and purity. In addition, they undergo rigorous quality testing on each batch of products to ensure it meets the highest quality standards. Their quality control team strictly monitors every step of production, from the selection of raw materials to the packaging of the final product, to ensure the excellent quality of the products. Customer first BONTAC not only provides high-quality products, but also provides excellent customer service. Their team is always customer-oriented and provides customized solutions to meet the needs of different customers. Whether you are a large enterprise or a small research institution, BONTAC can provide the services you need. Their customer service team is always ready to provide customers with professional consultation and support to ensure that their needs are met. Conclusion BONTAC is a High Quality NMN Manufacturer Factory, the high quality NMN and excellent customer service they provide make them stand out in the industry. If you are looking for a reliable NMN supplier, BONTAC is undoubtedly an option worth considering. Their expertise, strict quality control and excellent customer service have earned them an excellent reputation in the NMN manufacturing field. Whether you are a consumer or a researcher, when you choose BONTAC, you will receive the highest quality NMN products and services. Let us look forward to BONTAC bringing more innovations and breakthroughs in the future, opening up more possibilities for our health and longevity.